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Nov 23, 2022
MODERN RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT: How Proper Produce Management Impacts Your Restaurant
Access to fresh quality produce impacts many elements of restaurant planning, from determining what is in season for menu items to...
Oct 20, 2022
THE PRODUCE NEWS: Industry Viewpoint: The Key to Produce Buyers Having Fresh, Quality Products
The droughts and heatwaves that hit the U.S. this summer received a lot of attention. And now Florida has been impacted by one of the...
Jun 20, 2022
Maui Fresh International Addresses Impact of Rising Freight and Labor Costs
Maui Fresh proactively responses to these industry challenges to provide buyers the best possible produce price. LOS ANGELES, CALIF....
May 30, 2022
PRODUCE BLUEPRINTS: Cultivation Scrapbook
California's "Golden State" nickname historically refers to the gold rush. But nowadays, it brings to mind a land where sunny days lead...
May 11, 2022
Maui Fresh International Prepares for Summer
Maui Fresh leverages connections with growers across the globe and adds staffing shift to ensure customers have access to quality...
Mar 1, 2019
PRODUCE BUSINESS: Savvy Wholesalers Remain 'Eyes and Ears' of Customers
Through retail consolidation, the emergence of produce in big box stores, an increase in distribution centers and direct supermarket...
Dec 4, 2018
PRODUCE BLUEPRINTS: These are the reasons Los Angeles produce companies are optimistic
The outlook for the Los Angeles produce scene is predominantly buoyant. Chefs are showcasing more fruits, vegetables, and herbs; schools...
Dec 4, 2018
PRODUCE BLUEPRINTS: These are the Reasons Los Angeles Produce Companies are Optimistic
With the produce scene in Los Angeles growing, Maui Fresh was featured in the Produce Bluebooks article exploring what this means for...
Sep 30, 2018
PRODUCE BUSINESS: Los Angeles: Produce Sourced From All Over the World
‘City of angels’ boasts fruits and vegetables as diverse as its people. “Retail consolidation has not really limited our outlets,” says...
Sep 30, 2016
PRODUCE BUSINESS: Los Angeles Wholesalers And Marketers Embrace Diversity
The diversity of Los Angeles helps us move different qualities, quantities and pack styles,” says Francisco Clouthier, owner of Maui...
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